PABC - Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia
PABC stands for Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia
Here you will find, what does PABC stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia? Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia can be abbreviated as PABC What does PABC stand for? PABC stands for Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia. What does Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia mean?Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia is an expansion of PABC
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Alternative definitions of PABC
- Park Avenue Baptist Church
- Parking Authority of Baltimore City
- Pediatric AIDS Benefit Concert
- Port Austin Bible Campus
- Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church
- Park Avenue Bible Church
- Philippines Australia Business Council
View 15 other definitions of PABC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- PPL Public Pharmacy Ltd
- PPS Professional Property Services
- PRE Pastor Real Estate
- PSC Partnership for Strong Communities
- POA Peninsula Orthopedic Assoc
- PCI Purcell Communications Inc
- PMC Plateau Medical Center
- PAE Peacock Alley Entertainment
- PSL Push Solutions LLC
- PPS Phoenix Protective Svc
- PCE Providence College of Engineering
- PCCC Park Chapel Christian Church
- PWHS Port Washington High School
- PTFFI PT Fresh Food Indonesia
- PLG Palm Lake Group
- PMP People Moving Pixels
- PCC Peer Chain Company
- PVH Porto Vista Hotel
- PR The Pick and Roll